import discord import anthropic from dotenv import load_dotenv import os # The following are used for debugging purposes, remove if you like import time release = "stable-0.1.1" load_dotenv() # Give your bot a name and a personality! idName = os.getenv('NAME') identity = os.getenv('IDENTITY') # Use this variable to allow certain things that may be blocked. Useful for making coding assistants, writing assistants etc allowedTopics = os.getenv('ALLOWED_TOPICS') # Add your bot's response word here (set up an @mention one by mentioning your bot, then copying text and pasting it in the variable) wakeWord = os.getenv('WAKE_WORD') # Impose reasonable restrictions, delete these with caution! restrictions = os.getenv('RESTRICTIONS') intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True aiclient = anthropic.Anthropic( # Put your Anthropic API key here. Get yours at api_key = os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_KEY'), ) client = discord.Client(intents=intents) @client.event async def on_ready(): print("Logged in as ", client.user) @client.event async def on_message(message): if == client.user: return if (wakeWord + " debug") in message.content: start = time.process_time() await message.reply(idName + " is currently on release " + release) aimessage = aiclient.messages.create( model="claude-3-haiku-20240307", max_tokens=250, temperature=0.5, system=identity, messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": "Can you introduce yourself?", } ] ) await message.reply(aimessage.content) end = time.process_time() totalTime = end - start await message.reply("Took about " + str(totalTime * 100) + " seconds to send message to Discord") return if wakeWord in message.content: print(message.content) print("Generating Anthropic message...") aimessage = aiclient.messages.create( # Change the model here model="claude-3-haiku-20240307", # Get longer or shorter responses max_tokens=250, # Change how creative the bot is temperature=0.5, # Change the personality with the variables above system=identity, messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": message.content, } ] ) print(aimessage) # Verify that your bot might have realistically said that aiverification = aiclient.messages.create( model="claude-3-haiku-20240307", max_tokens=50, temperature=0.0, system=("Do you think " + idName + " sent the following message? Respond with only True or False, don't say anything else." + identity + allowedTopics + "If any of the following rules are broken, return False: " + restrictions), messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": aimessage.content } ] ) print(aiverification.content) if str(aiverification.content) == "[TextBlock(text='True', type='text')]": print("Raw recieved content:", aimessage.content) print("Unfluffing...") untreated = str(aimessage.content) treatment1 = untreated.replace('[TextBlock(text="', '') treatment2 = treatment1.replace('"', '') treatment3 = treatment2.replace(", type='text')]", '') treatment4 = treatment3.replace("\n", "") print("Fluff removed. Sending...") print(treatment4) await message.reply(treatment4) else: print("Message not related to ", idName, ". Sending notification...") await message.reply("Hmmm, doesn't look like " + idName + " really wants to respond to this one") # Put your Discord bot token here. Make a Discord bot at'DISCORD_TOKEN'))